Le Wargame d’ OverTheWire est l’endroit idéal pour se dérouiller les doigts et parfaire ses connaissances des commandes Linux. Voici les solutions des niveaux 0 à 11 du jeu Bandit

Avant de débuter ce wargame, si vous ne maitrisez pas encore les commandes essentielles sous Linux, visitez: Commandes essentielles

OverTheWire - Bandit: http://overthewire.org/wargames/bandit/

0x00 - Bandit Level 0

The goal of this level is for you to log into the game using SSH. The host to which you need to connect is bandit.labs.overthewire.org, on port 2220. The username is bandit0 and the password is bandit0. Once logged in, go to the Level 1 page to find out how to beat Level 1.


ssh bandit0@bandit.labs.overthewire.org -p 2220

0x01 - Bandit Level 0 → Level 1

The password for the next level is stored in a file called readme located in the home directory. Use this password to log into bandit1 using SSH. Whenever you find a password for a level, use SSH (on port 2220) to log into that level and continue the game.


bandit0@bandit:~$ ls
bandit0@bandit:~$ cat readme

0x02 - Bandit Level 1 → Level 2

The password for the next level is stored in a file called - located in the home directory

bandit1@bandit:~$ ls
bandit1@bandit:~$ cat ./-

Ref: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/189251/how-to-read-dash-files/189252

0x03 - Bandit Level 2 → Level 3

The password for the next level is stored in a file called spaces in this filename located in the home directory


bandit2@bandit:~$ ls
spaces in this filename
bandit2@bandit:~$ cat spaces\ in\ this\ filename 

0x04 - Bandit Level 3 → Level 4

The password for the next level is stored in a hidden file in the inhere directory


bandit3@bandit:~$ cd inhere/
bandit3@bandit:~/inhere$ ls -la
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 2 root    root    4096 Oct 16  2018 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root    root    4096 Oct 16  2018 ..
-rw-r----- 1 bandit4 bandit3   33 Oct 16  2018 .hidden
bandit3@bandit:~/inhere$ cat .hidden 

0x05 - Bandit Level 4 → Level 5

The password for the next level is stored in the only human-readable file in the inhere directory. Tip: if your terminal is messed up, try the “reset” command.

Ref: https://linuxhandbook.com/file-command/


bandit4@bandit:~$ cd inhere/
bandit4@bandit:~/inhere$ ls
-file00  -file02  -file04  -file06  -file08
-file01  -file03  -file05  -file07  -file09
bandit4@bandit:~/inhere$ file -f -file07

0x06 - Bandit Level 5 → Level 6

The password for the next level is stored in a file somewhere under the inhere directory and has all of the following properties:

1033 bytes in size
not executable

Ref: http://www.ducea.com/2008/02/12/linux-tips-find-all-files-of-a-particular-size/


bandit5@bandit:~$ cd inhere/
bandit5@bandit:~/inhere$ find -size 1033c
bandit5@bandit:~/inhere$ cat ./maybehere07/.file2

0x07 - Bandit Level 6 → Level 7

The password for the next level is stored somewhere on the server and has all of the following properties:

owned by user bandit7
owned by group bandit6
33 bytes in size

Ref: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-find-all-the-files-owned-by-a-particular-user-or-group/


bandit6@bandit:/$ find -size 33c -group bandit6 -user bandit7
find: ‘./run/lvm’: Permission denied
find: ‘./run/screen/S-bandit27’: Permission denied
find: ‘./var/cache/apt/archives/partial’: Permission denied
find: ‘./var/lib/apt/lists/partial’: Permission denied
find: ‘./var/lib/polkit-1’: Permission denied
find: ‘./proc/13174/fd/5’: No such file or directory
find: ‘./proc/13174/fdinfo/5’: No such file or directory
find: ‘./boot/lost+found’: Permission denied
bandit6@bandit:/$ cat ./var/lib/dpkg/info/bandit7.password

0x08 - Bandit Level 7 → Level 8

The password for the next level is stored in the file data.txt next to the word millionth


bandit7@bandit:~$ ls
bandit7@bandit:~$ cat data.txt | grep millionth

0x09 - Bandit Level 8 → Level 9

The password for the next level is stored in the file data.txt and is the only line of text that occurs only once


bandit8@bandit:~$ ls
bandit8@bandit:~$ cat data.txt | sort | uniq -u

0x0A - Bandit Level 9 → Level 10

The password for the next level is stored in the file data.txt in one of the few human-readable strings, beginning with several ‘=’ characters.


bandit9@bandit:~$ ls
bandit9@bandit:~$ strings data.txt | grep "="

0x0B - Bandit Level 10 → Level 11

The password for the next level is stored in the file data.txt, which contains base64 encoded data


bandit10@bandit:~$ base64 -d data.txt 

Poursuivez avec les niveaux 11 à 23 ici: OverTheWire - Bandit 2


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