Et si on se prenait pour un investigateur numérique ? Voici quelques solutions pour la catégorie “Forensics” de picoCTF.


Forensics Warmup 1

Can you unzip this file for me and retreive the flag?

Solution: Télécharger le fichier, le dézipper et ouvrir la photo

Forensics Warmup 2

Hmm for some reason I can’t open this PNG? Any ideas?


Regarder l’hexadécimal du fichier:

$xxd flag.png 
00000000: ffd8 ffe0 0010 4a46 4946 0001 0101 004b  ......JFIF.....K
00000010: 004b 0000 ffdb 0043 0002 0101 0201 0102  .K.....C........

On voit: JFIF. L’extension du fichier a été modifiée, il ne s’agit pas d’un fichier PNG mais JPEG. Modifier l’extension en jpeg et ouvrir la photo


Our network administrator is having some trouble handling the tickets for all of of our incidents. Can you help him out by answering all the questions? Connect with nc 54782. incidents.json


Se connecter à l’adresse indiquer:

$nc 54782
You'll need to consult the file `incidents.json` to answer the following questions.

#Faire quelques calculs simples pour répondre aux questions

What is the most common source IP address? If there is more than one IP address that is the most common, you may give any of the most common ones.

How many unique destination IP addresses were targeted by the source IP address

What is the number of unique destination ips a file is sent, on average? Needs to be correct to 2 decimal places.

Great job. You've earned the flag: 

Reading Between the Eyes

Stego-Saurus hid a message for you in this image, can you retreive it?

On observe l’image en zoomant au max mais on ne trouve rien, on recherche dans l’hexadécimal une chaîne “picoCTF”, on trouve rien non plus…

Hint: Maybe you can find an online decoder?

Solution: On utilise

Recovering From the Snap

There used to be a bunch of animals here, what did Dr. Xernon do to them?


Ouvrir le fichier avec Autopsy.

Dans $CarvedFiles il y a 4 fichiers jpg, le flag est dans f0002388.jpg

admin panel

We captured some traffic logging into the admin panel, can you find the password?

Solution: On ouvre le fichier pcap avec Wireshark. On fait un recherche de la chaîne ‘password’. On voit que la trame 68 est un POST /LOGIN, on trouve le username et le password = flag


This cat has a secret to teach you. You can also find the file in /problems/hex-editor_4_0a7282b29fa47d68c3e2917a5a0d726b on the shell server.


# 1. 
└──╼ $xxd hex_editor.jpg 

# On trouve le flag à la fin du fichier: c'est un classique !

# 2.  
└──╼ $strings hex_editor.jpg | grep "picoCTF"

Truly an Artist

Can you help us find the flag in this Meta-Material? You can also find the file in /problems/truly-an-artist_3_066d6319e350c1d579e5cf32e326ba02.


now you don’t

We heard that there is something hidden in this picture. Can you find it?


Utiliser Stegsolve:

Red Plane 1 ou Red Plane 0

Lying Out

Some odd traffic has been detected on the network, can you identify it? More info here. Connect with nc 27108 to help us answer some questions.


Comparer les logs avec le graph

#nc 27108
You'll need to consult the file `traffic.png` to answer the following questions.

Which of these logs have significantly higher traffic than is usual for their time of day? You can see usual traffic on the attached plot. There may be multiple logs with higher than usual traffic, so answer all of them! Give your answer as a list of `log_ID` values separated by spaces. For example, if you want to answer that logs 2 and 7 are the ones with higher than usual traffic, type 2 7.
    log_ID      time  num_IPs
0        0  03:30:00    10199
1        1  04:45:00    10121
2        2  05:30:00     9858
3        3  05:45:00    11625
4        4  05:45:00     9880
5        5  06:00:00    10036
6        6  07:30:00    13145
7        7  09:45:00    10121
8        8  09:45:00     9935
9        9  14:15:00    11632
10      10  15:15:00     9899
11      11  15:45:00    11630
12      12  22:15:00    10090
13      13  23:15:00     9669
3 6 9 11 

Great job. You've earned the flag: 

What’s My Name?

Say my name, say my name.

Solution: Ouvrir le fichier pcap avec Wireshark. A la trame 43 on voit une requête DNS, la réponse à cette requête est située à la trame 55. On trouve le flag dans cette réponse.


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